Your search returned 37 results.

Reason in history / by G. W. F. Hegel ; translated by Robert S. Hartman : a general introduction to the philosophy of history

by Hegel, G. W. F | Hartman, Robert S [tr.].

Publisher: New York : Library of Liberal Arts, 1953.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 100 30I 11.2] (2).

Kanter darshan / by Rasvihary Das

by Das, Rasvihary.

Edition: 2nd ed Publisher: Kolkata : A. Mukherjee, 1369 (B).Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 100 30I 4.2] (1).

Descartes discourse on method / translated by Arthur Wollaston

by Wollaston, Arthur.

Publisher: England : Penguin Books, 1960.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 100 30I 13.1-2] (1).

Descartes discourse on method and other writings / translated by F. E Sutcliffe

by Sutcliffe, F. E., tr.

Publisher: England : Penguin Books, 1958.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 100 30I 13.3-1] (3).

Berkeley / by Warnock, G. J.

by Warnock, G. J.

Publisher: Kolkata : Penguin Books, 1969.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 100 30I 10.2] (1).

Kant / by S. Karner

by Korner, S.

Publisher: England : Penguin Books, 1965.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 100 30I 3.2] (1).

Scepticism and animal faith / by George Santayana : introduction to a system of philosophy

by Santayana, George.

Publisher: New York : Dover Publications, 1955.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 100 30I 18] (1).

The philosophy of Sartre / by Mary Warnock

by Warnock, Mary.

Publisher: London : Hutchinson, 1965.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 100 30I 19] (1).

I believe : nineteen personal philosophy / by Auden, W. H...[et al]

by Auden, W. H.

Publisher: London : Unwin Books, 1962.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 100 30I 20] (1).

Aristotle / edited by J. M. E. Moravcsik : a collection of critical essays

by Moravcsik, J. M. E., ed.

Publisher: London : Macmillan Press, 1986.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 100 30I 21] (1).

Plato's theory of knowledge / by Francis Macdonald Cornford : the theaetetus and the sophist of Plato translated with a running commentary

by Cornford, Francis Macdonald.

Publisher: London : Routledge, 1970.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 100 30I 23] (1).

Wittgenstein / edited by George Pitcher : the philosophical investigation

by Pitcher, George, ed.

Publisher: London : Macmillan Press, 1966.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 100 30I 22] (1).

Ethical philosophy of Guru Nanak / by Trilochan Singh : Guru Nanak lectures 1969-70

by Singh, Trilochan.

Publisher: Calcutta : The University of Calcutta, 1973.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 100 30I 24.1-2] (2).

The philosophy of Bertrand Russel (Vol:I) / edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp

by Schilpp, Paul Arthur, ed | Schilpp, P.A [ed.].

Publisher: London : Harper Torchbooks, 1963.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 100 30I 17.1-1] (1).

The philosophy of Bertrand Russel (Vol:II) / edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp

by Schilpp, Paul Arthur, ed.

Publisher: London : Harper Torchbooks, 1963.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 100 30I 17.1-2] (1).

A critical examination of Marxist philosophy / by Kalyan Chandra Gupta

by Gupta, Kalyan Chandra.

Publisher: Calcutta : The Author, 1962.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 100 30I 16] (2).

Man and spirit : the speculative philosophers / edited by Saxe Commins and Robert N. Linscott

by Commins, Saxe, ed | Linscott, Robert N [ed.].

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New York : Random House, 1947.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 100 30I 1.1] (1).

Man and man : the social philosophers / by Saxe Commins and Robert N. Linscott

by Commins, Saxe | Linscott, Robert N [ed.].

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New York : Random House, 1947.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 100 30I 1.2] (1).

Man and the state : the political philosophers / edited by Saxe Commins and Robert N. Linscott

by Commins, Saxe, ed.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New York : Random House, 1947.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 100 30I 1.3] (1).

Man and the universe : the philosophers of science / edited by Saxe Commins and Robert N. Linscott

by Commins, Saxe, ed | Linscott,Robert N [ed.].

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New York : Random House, 1947.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 100 30I 1.4] (1).

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