Your search returned 3046 results.

The Debate of King Milinda / by Bhikku Pesala

by Pesala, Bhikku.

Publisher: Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Pub.Pvt., 1991.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 181.4 P 90.1] (1).

Indian Theories of Error / by Bimal Kar

by Kar, Bimal.

Publisher: Delhi : Ajanta Books International, 1990.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 181.4 K 16.1] (1).

Limca Book of Records [ Amazing Indian Records ] : 1994 / Vijaya Ghosh

by Ghosh, Vijaya [ed.].

Publisher: New Delhi : Limca Book of Records, 1994.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 828 L 70.1] (1).

I Want Let You Go / by Rabindranath Tagore ; Ketaki Kushari Dyson

by Dyson, Ketaki Kushari [tr.] | Tagore, Rabindranath.

Publisher: New Delhi : UBS Publishers & Distributors, 1994.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 821 T 12.3] (1).

Molecular Spectroscopy / by P.S.Sindhu

by Sindhu, P.S.

Publisher: New Delhi : Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd, 1991.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 537 S 282.1] (1).

Classical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism / by A.K.Roychaudhury

by Roychaudhury, A.K.

Publisher: New Delhi : Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd, 1991.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 537 R 50.3] (1).

Optics and Atomic Physics / by D.P.Khandelwal

by Khandelwal, D.P.

Publisher: Delhi : Himalaya Publishing House, 1993.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 535 K 85.1] (1).

The National Culture of India / by S.Abid Husain

by Husain, S.Abid.

Publisher: New Delhi : National Book Trust, 1992.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 954 A 83.1] (1).

Introduction to Philosophy / by William James Earle

by Earle, William James.

Publisher: New Delhi : Mc Graw-Hill Publishing co., 1992.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 110 E 25.1] (1).

Knowlege, Truth and Justifications / by T.K.Sarkar

by Sarkar, T.K.

Publisher: New Delhi : Allied Publishers, 1992.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 110 S 284.1] (1).

Doubt, Belief and Knowledge / by Shibjiban Bhattacharyay

by Bhattacharyay, Shibjiban.

Publisher: New Delhi : Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 1987.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 110 B 285.1] (1).

State of Democracy in South Asia : A report / by SDSA Team

Publisher: New Delhi SDSA Team : Oxford University Press, 2008 Corporate Body.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 321.4 S 433.1] (1).

The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory / John S.Dryzek, Bonnie Honig & Anne Phillips

by Dryzek, John S [ed.] | Honig, Bonnie [ed.] | Phillips, Anne [ed.].

Publisher: New Delhi : Oxford University Press, 2006.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 320.1 D 235.1] (1).

Advanced Inorganic Chemistry / by Satya Prakash & Others

by Prakash, Satya.

Publisher: New Delhi : S. Chand & co., 1993.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 546 S 213.2] (2).

Intellectual Romantics / by Thattarathodi Raghavan

by Raghavan, Thattarathodi.

Publisher: New Delhi : Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, 1994.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 820.01 R 124.1] (1).

Biochemistry / by C.B.Power & G.R.Chatwal

by Powar, C.B | Chatwal, G.R.

Publisher: Delhi : Himalaya Publishing House, 1989.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 612.015 P 95.1] (1).

A Fate Worse than Debt / by Susan George

by George, Susan.

Publisher: Delhi : Public Interest Research Group, 1990.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 330 G 160.1] (1).

Beyond Liberalization / by Amartya Sen

by Sen, Amartya.

Publisher: New Delhi : Institute of Social Science, 1994.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 330.954 S 28.5] (1).

Land Reforms in India / by Harkishan Singh Surjeet

by Singh Surjeet, Harkishan.

Publisher: New Delhi : National Book Trust, 1992.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 330.954 S 292.1] (1).

Physics Problems with Solution / by Min Chen

by Chen, Min.

Publisher: New Delhi : Prentice-Hall of India, 1992.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 530.1 C 212.1] (1).

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