Your search returned 531 results.

The Odyssey / by Homer ; translated by E. V. Rieu

by Homer.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Middlesex : Penguin Books, 1952.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 820 10K 1.1] (1).

The Pastoral Poems / by Virgil

by Virgil.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Penguin Books, 1954.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 820 10K 9.2] (1).

The Aeneid / by Virgil ; translated by W. F. Jackson Knight

by Virgil.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Penguin Books, 1956.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 820 10K 9.1] (1).

Russian Review : 4

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: London : Penguin Books, 1948.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 820 10L 21.3] (1).

Russian Review : 3

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: London : Penguin Books, 1947.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 820 10L 21.2] (1).

Russian Review : 2

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: London : Penguin Books, 1946.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 820 10L 21.1] (1).

Trials in Burma / by Maurice Collis

by Collis, Maurice.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New York : Penguin Books, 1945.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 820 10L 13] (1).

Poems and Prose / by Gerard Manley Hopkins

by Hopkins, Gerard Manley.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Penguin Books, 1954.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 820 10L 40] (1).

Land of the Soviets / by James S. Gregory

by Gregory, James S.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New York : Penguin Books, 1946.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 820 10L 22] (1).

John Keats Selected Poems / John Barnard ed.

by Barnard John [ed.].

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: London : Penguin Books, 2007.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 820 BAR] (1).

The God of Small Things / Arundhati Roy

by Roy, Arundhati.

Edition: 20th Anniversary EditionMaterial type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Gurgaon : Penguin Books, 2002.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 823 ROY] (1).

Conversations with Stalin / by Milovan Djilas

by Djilas, Milovan.

Publisher: Australia : Penguin Books, 1967.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 320 DJI] (1).

The Arrogance of Power / by J. William Fulbright

by Fulbright, J. William.

Publisher: England : Penguin Books, 1970.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 320 FUL] (1).

The Queen's Government / by Sir Ivor Jennings

by Jennings, Ivor.

Publisher: Melbourne : Penguin Books, 1954.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 320 JEN] (1).

Mao Tse-Tung / by Stuart Schram

by Schram, Stuart.

Publisher: England : Penguin Books, 1966.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 320 SCH] (1).

Stalin : a Political Biography (Political Leaders of the Twentieth Century) / by Isaac Deutscher

by Deutscher, Isaac.

Publisher: England : Penguin Books, 1961.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 320 DEU] (1).

The Aztecs of Mexico (Origin, rise and fall of the Aztec Nation) / by George C. Vaillant

by Vaillant, George C.

Publisher: U.S.A. : Penguin Books, 1955.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 320 VAI] (1).

China in the Year 2001 / by Han Suyin

by Suyin, Han.

Publisher: England : Penguin Books Ltd., 1970.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 900 SUY] (1).

The first world war: an illustrated history / by A.J.P. Taylor

by Taylor, A.J.P.

Publisher: England : Penguin Books, 1966.Availability: No items available

The Habsburg Monarchy(1809-1918) / by A.J.P. Taylor

by Taylor A.J.P.

Publisher: Middlesex : Penguin Books, 1964.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 900 TAY] (1).

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