Your search returned 3046 results.

Matrices and Linear Transformation / by D.T.Finkbeiner II

by Finkbeiner II, D.T.

Edition: 3rd ed. Publisher: New Delhi : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1986.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 512 F 1.1] (1).

A Text Book of Foods Nutrition and Dietetics / by M.Raheena Begum

by Begum, M.Raheena.

Publisher: New Delhi : Sterling Publishers, 1989.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 612.3 B 244.1] (1).

Nutrition / by M.S.Chaney & M.L.Ross

by Chaney, M.S | Ross, M.L.

Publisher: Delhi : Surjeet Publications, 1979.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 612.3 C 176.1] (1).

Guide to Lehninger's Principles of Biochemistry with Solutions to Problems / by Paul Van Ekeren

by Ekeren, Paul Van.

Publisher: New Delhi : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1986.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 612.015 E 21.1] (1).

Atomic Structure and Chemical Bond including Molecular Spetroscopy / by Manash Chanda

by Chanda, Manash.

Edition: 2nd ed. Publisher: New Delhi : Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd, 1989.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 541.39 C 89.1] (3).

Economics of Social Issues / by E.M.Sharp, C.A.Register & R.H.Leftwich

by Sharp, Ansel M | Register, Charles A | Leftwich, Richard H.

Publisher: New Delhi : Universal Book Stall, 1988.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 330.1 S 232.1] (1).

India : Economic Information Year Book, 1989-90 / by A.N.Agarwal H.O.Varma & R.C.Gupta

by Agarwal, A.N | Varma, H.O | Gupta, R.C.

Publisher: New Delhi : National Publishing House, 1989.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 330.954 A 24.3] (1).

Economic Growth in China and India : A perspective by comparison / by Subramanian Swamy

by Swamy, Subramanian.

Publisher: New Delhi : Vikas Publishing House, 1989.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 330.950 S 234.1] (1).

A Text Book of Cell Biology / by P.K.G.Nair & K.Prabhakar Achar

by Nair, P.K.G | Achar, K.Prabhakar.

Publisher: New Delhi : Konark Publishers, 1989.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 574 N 34.1] (1).

Animal Biology / by A.J.Grove & G.E.Newell

by Grove, A.J | Newell, G.E.

Edition: 9th ed. Publisher: New Delhi : Universal Book Stall, 1989.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 574 G 119.1] (1).

Cytology and Genetics / by V.R.Dnyansagar

by Dnyansagar, V.R.

Publisher: New Delhi : Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd, 1989.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 575 D 116.1] (1).

Sarojini Naidu : An introduction to her Life,Work & Poetry / by Viswanath S.Naravane

by Naravane, Viswanath S.

Publisher: New Delhi : Orient Longman, 1980.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 920 N 35.1] (1).

Bangla Viswakosh : Vol-I / Nagendra Nath Basu ; Rangalal Mukherjee & Trailokya Mukherjee

by Mukherjee, Rangalal [comp.] | Mukherjee, Trailokya [comp.] | Basu, Nagendra Nath [ed.].

Publisher: Delhi : B.R.Publishing Corporation, 1988.Availability: Items available for reference: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 030 V 31.1] (1).

Bangla Viswakosh : Vol-II / Nagendra Nath Basu ; Rangalal Mukherjee & Trailokya Mukherjee

by Mukherjee, Rangalal [comp.] | Mukherjee, Trailokya [comp.] | Basu, Nagendra Nath [ed.].

Publisher: Delhi : B.R.Publishing Corporation, 1911.Availability: Items available for reference: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 030 V 31.2 (A)] (1).

Bangla Viswakosh : Vol-II (B) / by Nagendra Nath Basu ; Rangalal Mukherjee & Trailokya Mukherjee

by Mukherjee, Rangalal [comp.] | Mukherjee, Trailokya [comp.] | Basu, Nagendra Nath [ed.].

Publisher: Delhi : B.R.Publishing Corporation, 1911.Availability: Items available for reference: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 030 V 31.2 (B)] (1).

Bangla Viswakosh : Vol-III / Nagendra Nath Basu ; Rangalal Mukherjee & Trailokya Mukherjee

by Mukherjee, Rangalal [comp.] | Mukherjee, Trailokya [comp.] | Basu, Nagendra Nath [ed.].

Publisher: Delhi : B.R.Publishing Corporation, 1911.Availability: Items available for reference: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 030 V 31.3] (1).

Bangla Viswakosh : Vol-IV / Nagendra Nath Basu ; Rangalal Mukherjee & Trailokya Mukherjee

by Mukherjee, Rangalal [comp.] | Mukherjee, Trailokya [comp.] | Basu, Nagendra Nath [ed.].

Publisher: Delhi : B.R.Publishing Corporation, 1911.Availability: Items available for reference: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 030 V 31.4] (1).

Bangla Viswakosh : Vol-V / Nagendra Nath Basu ; Rangalal Mukherjee & Trailokya Mukherjee

by Mukherjee, Rangalal [comp.] | Mukherjee, Trailokya [comp.] | Basu, Nagendra Nath [ed.].

Publisher: Delhi : B.R.Publishing Corporation, 1911.Availability: Items available for reference: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 030 V 31.5] (1).

Bangla Viswakosh : Vol-VI / Nagendra Nath Basu ; Rangalal Mukherjee & Trailokya Mukherjee

by Mukherjee, Rangalal [comp.] | Mukherjee, Trailokya [comp.] | Basu, Nagendra Nath [ed.].

Publisher: Delhi : B.R.Publishing Corporation, 1911.Availability: Items available for reference: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 030 V 31.6] (1).

Bangla Viswakosh : Vol-VII / Nagendra Nath Basu ; Rangalal Mukherjee & Trailoklya Mukherjee

by Mukherjee, Rangalal [comp.] | Mukherjee, Trailokya [comp.] | Basu, Nagendra Nath [ed.].

Publisher: Delhi : B.R.Publishing Corporation, 1911.Availability: Items available for reference: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 030 V 31.7] (1).

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