Your search returned 47 results.

Fundamental concepts of inorganic chemistry (Vol. 1) / by Asim Kumar Das; assisted by Mahua Das

by Das, Asim Kumar | Das, Mahua.

Edition: 3rd ed. Publisher: Kolkata : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2020.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 546 D 186.1] (6).

Fundamental Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry (Vol. 2 ) / by Asim Kumar das; assisted by Mahua Das

by Das, Asim Kumar.

Edition: 2nd rev. ed Publisher: Kolkata : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2018.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 546 D 186.2-2] (1).

A Text Book of Algae / by K.S. Bilgrami & L.C. Saha

by Bilgrami, K.S | Saha, L.C.

Publisher: New Delhi : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2002.Availability: No items available

Functional Chordate Anatomy / by Ronald G. Wolff

by Wolff, Ronald G.

Publisher: New Delhi : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1994.Availability: No items available

The Invertebrates : Protozoa through Ctenophora ; Vol.-I / by Libbie Henrietta Hyman

by Hyman, Libbie Henrietta.

Publisher: New Delhi : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1993.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 592 H 2.3] (1).

The Invertebrates : Platyhelminthes and Rhynchocoela [ The acoelomate bilateria ] ; Vol.-II / by Libbie Henrietta Hyman

by Hyman, Libbie Henrietta.

Publisher: New Delhi : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1993.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 592 H 2.4] (1).

The Invertebrates : Acanthocephala, Aschelminthes & Entoprocta [ The pseudocoelomate bilateria ] ; Vol.-III / by Libbie Henrietta Hyman

by Hyman, Libbie Henrietta.

Publisher: New Delhi : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1993.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 592 H 2.5] (1).

The Invertebrates : Echinodermata [The coelomate bilateria ] ; Vol.-IV / by Libbie Henrietta Hyman

by Hyman, Libbie Henrietta.

Publisher: New Delhi : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1993.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 592 H 2.1] (2).

The Invertebrates : Smaller coelomate groups ; Vol.-V / by Libbie Henrie Hyman

by Hyman, Libbie Henrietta.

Publisher: New Delhi : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1993.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 592 H 2.6] (1).

The Invertebrates : Mollusca I ; Vol.-VI / by Libbie Henrietta Hyman

by Hyman, Libbie Henrietta.

Publisher: New Delhi : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1993.Availability: No items available

Principles of Biochemistry / by Albert L.Lehgingers , David L.Nelson & Michael M.Cox

by Lehingers, Albert L | Nelson, David L | Cox, Michael M.

Edition: 2nd Publisher: New Delhi : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1993.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 612.015 L 47.3] (1).

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark / ed. by Philip Edwards

by Edwords, Philip [ed.].

Publisher: New Delhi : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2000.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 822.33 S 7.2] (1).

Animal Physiology : Mechanisms & adaptations / by Roger Eckert & David Randall

by Eckert, Roger | Randall, David.

Edition: 2nd Publisher: New Delhi : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2000.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 591.1 E 40.1] (1).

Principles of Biochemistry / by A.L.Lehninger, D.L.Nelson & M.M.Cox

by Lehninger, A.L | Nelson, D.L | Cox, M.M.

Edition: 2nd Publisher: New Delhi : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1993.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 612.015 L 47.2] (2).

The Principles of Exercise Therapy / by M.Dena Gardiner

by Gardiner, M.Dena.

Edition: 4th Publisher: New Delhi : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1985.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 615 G 182.1] (1).

Biostatistics : Perspectives in healthcare, research & practice / by B.L.Verma, G.D.Shukla & R.N.Srivastav

by Verma, B.L | Shukla, G.D | Srivastav, R.N.

Publisher: New Delhi : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1994.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 574.0151 V 56.1] (1).

Practical Clinical Biochemistry / by Harold Varley

by Varley, Harold.

Publisher: New Delhi : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1998.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 612.015 V 57.1] (1).

Qualitative Chemical Semimicroanalysis / by V.N.Alexeyev

by Alexeyev, V.N.

Publisher: New Delhi : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1994.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 543.0815 A 101.1] (1).

Telecommunications / by W.Fraser

by Fraser, W.

Publisher: New Delhi : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1985.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 537 F 40.1] (4).

Mathematics Dictionary / by Robert C. James & Glenn James

by James, Robert C | James, Glenn.

Publisher: New Delhi : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1988.Availability: Items available for loan: BERHAMPORE GIRLS COLLEGE LIBRARY [Call number: 510.03 J 47.1] (1).

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